Glimpses of Light


Be challenged, captivated and moved by these imaginative reflections on faith, help in time of need, joy in the midst of tragedy, and surprising encounters with God.

During 2015, the International Year of Light, twenty-one authors from Australia and the United States have come together to explore the theme of ‘glimpses of light’—finding light in dark places—through short stories, poems, flash fiction and creative non-fiction.

Glimpses of Light includes contributions from respected and award-winning authors and poets Jo-Anne Berthelsen, Paula Vince, Lynne Stringer, Adele Jones, Jo Wanmer, Jeanette Grant-Thomson and Ellen Carr, as well as exciting new talent.

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This anthology includes my fantasy story ‘Ruhanna’s Flight’. Ruhanna’s world is shattered when her father fails to arrive for her name day and the King’s guards are seen lurking around Sentinel’s Isle harbour. Will she be able to escape her long-lost mother’s mysterious fate?

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Glimpses of Light is available for purchase on or

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