Here you will find a collection of shorter fictional works and hypertext fiction – short stories, flash fiction, maybe the occasional nanofiction.
These stories:
- Allow you to explore the world of Nardva while waiting for the books to become available 🙂
- Give you something to read and enjoy when you don’t have a lot of time.
- Experience new types of fiction ideal for the online environment – nanofiction, hyptertext and interactive stories
- Take full advantage of the online environment with (judicious) use of multi-media
- Can be read from your mobile phone.
- Are short enough to print them out to read.
Please Enjoy:
Stories with the timeframe, location and characters of Akrad’s Children
My Sister by Dinnis son of Gaia In Twelfth Year of Rokkan Kapok (Hypertext Story)
Read more Tamrin Tales:
And The Herbalist’s Daughter (in Tied in Pink romance anthology)
Stories set beyond the Five Lands
Aidan’s Honour (Coming Soon)
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