In the middle of the Covid-19 crisis, some of us have too much time, others are run of our feet. We all have a part to play. With so many of our normal entertainments no longer accessible – it’s a great time to read, read, read. Over the next couple weeks or months, I plan to interview a number of fantasy or science fiction authors to help you discover some fabulous new reads.
Interview with Kasper
The first interview is with Kasper Beaumont, the wonderful author of the Hunters of Reloria fantasy series, and the Hidden Angel paranormal series. Not only does Kasper write cracking good books – by day she is a superhero working tirelessly in Infection Control to keep us safe from the dreaded virus.

Welcome Kasper. Good to have you on Jeanette O’Hagan Writers. Can you share with us three things that people may not already know about you.
- I don’t like beans, more precisely, they don’t like me. Don’t worry, I make up for a darth of beans with an oversupply of chocolate.
- Two of my children have red hair, the other one must have been switched at birth (just kidding, she’s a super cute lil blondie).
- I like to crochet in my spare time. Spare time is a rare commodity, so that’s on the odd occasion I’m in a waiting room.
Hmm I wonder where the red hair comes from. 😉 So , what were your favourite books, movies and TV shows as you were growing up, and how have they influenced your writing?
Is this so you can guess my age? Ok I’ll bite.
- Gilligan’s Island, M*A*S*H, Transformers and He-Man
- The Neverending Story, The Princess Bride, Star Wars, and The Goonies
- The Famous Five, Three Musketeers, Robin Hood, and Nancy Drew
I guess it has helped my hone my sense of adventure, cracking wit and modesty LOL
LOL, Kasper, I can see that sense of humour bubbling over. And the sense of adventure and wit are evident in your stories.
Which (perhaps little-known) authors were your best reads in the last couple of years?
Hmmm…that’s a tough one. I’ll go Marsha A Moore with the Enchanted Bookstore; and Cat Spydell Faeries of Fellyan. Also did an audio recording from an extract of the Chronocar by Steve Bellinger. Awesome prologue. I can’t wait to read the rest.
Fantastic – new authors and books to add to the to-read list.
You have several children’s fantasy stories published now. What do you love about writing in this genre? And have you ever considered exploring another genre or writing for other age groups?
Thanks, yes I have 4 books in the Hunters of Reloria trilogy (yes, I can’t count). I think writing children’s stories keeps me young and also connects me with my own children. They have co-authored a book and also done some paintings for the stories.
I have recently released an angel and demon paranormal book for an adult audience, Captive of the Darkness, which is a fun change for me. It’s set in a strip club (shh, don’t tell the kiddies).
I’m also doing a vampire flash fiction, and have had a short sci-fi published in an anthology.
Terry Prachett has a four book trilogy, so you are in good company.
I must say, I think one of my favourite characters in the Hunters of Reloria series is Ash. Do you have any favourite characters from your books or do you think it’s best not to play favourites? And if you do, what do you like about them?
Hmm…oh it’s hard not to have a favourite or two. I like Ash for his devil-may-care attitude and the fact that a dragon sometimes appears when he’s around. Might just be a coincidence, but hey, he’s quite secretive.
I like Sienna the Huntress for her bravery and archery skills. She does have plenty of character development which is fun to write.
I also like the dwarven brothers for their drinking prowess and badass fighting. They’re just the right height to bash the kneecaps of the invaders.
All great characters 🙂 How did you come up with the idea of Hunters of Reloria? What have been the joys and challenges in writing the series?
The first idea I had was definitely of the halflings and fairies being bonded together in a symbiotic relationship. I wanted to explore things like how their lifespans would mirror each other and what benefits each would gain from their bond.
Throw in an Elven Jewel which sustained the land’s protective forcefield, and then invaders on a mission to steal it. A novel was born.
The link between the halflings and the bond fairies was one of my favourite things about Hunters of Reloria. I also love the fan art that you include in your covers and on your social media and pages. I curious to know how that came about?

I had an idea that a way to attract readers would be to give them a chance to have their artwork in the finished book. After four art competitions over the years, I now have a great catalogue of character pictures to illustrate my fantasy worlds. Seems to be working so far and they came in handy when I published my Choose Your Hunters of Reloria story which has artwork on every page. I love it.
Yay, the exciting news is your recent release last year – Choose Your Hunters of Reloria story. Tell us about it 😊
Choose Your Hunters of Reloria story is my take on the Classic Choose Your Own Adventure books from my childhood. I had a whole bunch of them and liked to borrow others from the local library. I had test readers on this one from age 8 to adult and great feedback that it has broad appeal to all the family.
My version is set in Reloria, in the time of the Elven Jewel novel. First you do a quiz on personality types, what fighting costume you would wear and your choice of weapon.
Once you have your character, you are thrust into a chase across the lands to recapture the stolen Elven Jewel. You journey through many perilous places and encounter the invaders along the way. Only one path leads to success, so you will need to choose wisely and possibly back-track or read again to complete your quest.
The Choose Your Hunters of Reloria story is a fun read. My first foray was rather short after a few bad choices but I made it in the end.
Thanks Kasper for a fun review and also for entertaining, high-octane fantasy adventures in your Hunters of Reloria series.
Why not check out Kasper’s books or her author page on Amazon or Goodreads.
And There’s More
And just before I go, a quick plug for my latest release 🙂
Yet to start reading about Zadeki, Retza & Delvina’s adventures under the mountain and across the sea? Now’s the perfect time. the first three novellas of my Under the Mountain series are now available as a boxed set – Under the Mountain Boxed Set 1-3 at a steal of 99cUSD – but only to the end of the month (30 April 2020).
And to see some other great bargains – check out the SFF Bonzana 99c for April

See you soon with another author interview.