Lynne Stringer – Verindon

In the middle of the Covid-19 crisis, some of us have too much time, others are run of our feet. We all have a part to play. With so many of our normal entertainments no longer accessible – it’s a great time to read, read, read. Over the next couple weeks or months, I plan to interview a number of fantasy or science fiction authors to help you discover some fabulous new reads.

From dragons and elves to space ships and blasters, our second interview is with YA science fiction author, Lynne Stringer.

Interview with Lynne Stringer

Share three things that people may not already know about you.

I didn’t finish high school. This is the one that surprises people the most. School and I didn’t gel. I learn better on the job, so to speak.

I don’t like sport or games. I never have. I just don’t find them interesting.

I like big, unusual words like sesquipedalian and slubberdegullion. A sesquipedalian is someone who uses long words. A slubberdegullion is a slovenly person.

Those two words are beauties. I might just be a sesquipedalian too, lol, though pronouncing either of them might be a challenge ;). What favourite books, movies TV shows have inspired or influenced your writing. In what ways? 

I grew up watching Star Wars and Doctor Who, and both inspired my love of science fiction. I love superhero movies. E.T. – The Extra-Terrestrial is my favourite movie ever. More recently, the Twilight saga inspired me to take up the pen after many years away from writing fiction. I enjoy stories that take me away from everyday experiences.

Doctor Who and Star Wars were childhood staples, along with Star Trek for me as well. Which (perhaps little-known) authors were your best reads in the last couple of years?

Juliet Marillier is one. She writes fantastic fantasy books. Veronica Rossi is another. I love her Under the Never Sky trilogy. Another one is Jeanette O’Hagan! If you haven’t read her books yet, they’re great. 🙂

Ooh, I like your choices. I will definitely check Mariller and Rossi out. You have a YA romantic space opera series, the Verindon Trilogy, published by Wombat Books/Rhiza Press. What do you love about writing in this genre? Are there any challenges?

I love the young adult genre because the characters in that age group are going through a lot emotionally which I find interesting to write about. I also love science fiction and anything that pushes the boundaries of the normal. It’s more interesting for me than reading a contemporary work of fiction.

There is something fresh and immediate about young adult stories. Both YA and speculative fiction explore exciting new frontiers. The first novel of the Verindon trilogy has an interesting premise. How did you come up with the idea of the trilogy?

I got the idea when my husband and I went on a holiday to the Sunshine Coast here in Queensland, Australia, where I live. For some strange reason, he loves laughing over cheesy pickup lines, and he was telling me some new favourites he’d heard. I was trying desperately to think of one, but the only one I could think of was a guy saying to a girl, ‘You are the only reason I was put on this planet’. Not exactly a brilliant one!

While I was thinking about it, I imagined a guy saying this to a girl, and she said, ‘Yeah, right!’ Then, to my surprise, he turned to her and said, ‘No, you are the only reason I was put on this planet.’ And I realised he meant it literally. I started to think, ‘Why is that? Why would he be here only for her?’ I spent all the time on our holiday starting to develop the story that became The Heir.

Brilliant. You have also written a New Adult Contemporary drama, Once Confronted.  How did writing this book differ from writing the Verindon Trilogy?  Would you consider writing other genres or for other age groups?

I had to do a lot more research for Once Confronted as I had to make sure it conformed to reality, particularly in the areas of social work and working with at-risk children, as I had no experience with this. The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder element wasn’t a stretch for me, as I’ve suffered from it myself as the result of an armed robbery, so I could write about that from my own experience. But the other elements required a lot of work. I’m not much of a person for research. I find it hard.

There are constraints writing about the real world. I think your research paid off. You mention that Madison in Once Confronted had a similar and confronting life experience. Are any of your characters like you? In what way and how are they different from you?

Sarah Fenhardt from my trilogy is probably the most like me. She has similar insecurities and strengths and looks like me as well. All my characters, particularly my female protagonists, share something of me, though. Vashta, the protagonist in my latest book, The Verindon Alliance, tends to react without thinking at times. I definitely have this tendency.

What have been the joys and challenges in being a writer? Could you imagine not being a writer? If so, what would you do?

I love putting worlds I have created out there for people to enjoy. It’s especially wonderful to hear from them when they love them as much as I do. That’s the greatest thing about it. The hardest thing is trying to get word out about my books, as well as dealing with bad reviews, which are always hard. 

I’m a professional editor, which means I get to help people improve their books, so I would devote my professional time solely to that if I didn’t write.

It is hard to get our books seen by a wider audience, but so worth it when fans get in touch. Patience and persistence are great qualities in writers. And helping others improve their writing is a worthy goal.

The exciting news is your upcoming release, the Verindon Alliance from Rhiza Press. Tell us more about it and when it will be launched. 

The Verindon Alliance will be released on Friday 1st May 2020. I am holding a book launch on Facebook Live on Saturday 2nd May 2020. The video will be on my Facebook author page after that date if you can’t tune in to watch it on the day, so make sure you check it out.

The Verindon Alliance is set several hundred years before my trilogy, back when the planet Verindon didn’t have much more technology than we do on Earth. In the story, the two humanoid species on the planet, the Verindal and the Vendel, are at war and have been for centuries, but Princess Vashta of the Vendel realises that there is a new threat that comes from somewhere else. When members of her race won’t listen, she allies with Brandonin, the heir to the Verindal throne. Together they have to fight against their own races and against time to defeat this new enemy.

Sounds exciting. I love your cover and I’m really looking forward to reading a new book set in the Verindon world. Thanks Lynne for talking about your fabulous books today.

Why not check out Lynne and her books on her author page or on Facebook, Twitter,  Amazon and YouTube etc. And don’t forget the launch party on 7am, 2 May (Brisbane time).

And There’s More

And just before I go – a quick reminder that the Under the Mountain boxed set will be at low, low price of 99c USD for just one more day. And as a special treat, I’ve reduced the next book in the series, Shadow Crystals to 99c USD. Grab the both while you can. 🙂

See you soon with another author interview.


Ruhanna’s Flight

Ready to read new stories? Do you prefer print to e-book? Read on.

Ruhanna’s Flight and Other Stories

Over the last few years, a number of my short stories have been published in different anthologies. Have you ever wished that they were in one book? Now, many of Nardva tales connected to Tamra and the Five Lands are combined into one beautiful volume – Ruhanna’s Flight and others stories.


Tales of wonder, romance, adventure – dip into the world of Nardva with this collection of stories.

Now available for pre-order 99c USD — Ruhanna’s Flight and other stories – a collection of stories from the world of Nardva – some previously published, others brand new.

* * *Ruhanna’s Flight – Ruhanna’s father is coming for a rare visit from the capital. When everything goes terribly wrong, she discovers a mysterious gift that could save her — if it doesn’t kill her first.

* * *Heart of the Mountain – When shapeshifter Zadeki slams into the mountain side, he finds himself trapped in a strange underground realm. Can he escape or is he there for another reason?

* * * Rendezvous at Alexgaia – In her last mission, Space operative Dana secured the Infinity Cube at the cost her partner’s life or at least his humanity. Will Neon’s sacrifice be for nothing or will Dana be able to retrieve the key to the mysterious cube’s use?

Also Anna’s Dilemma, The Herbalist’s Daughter, Lakwi’s Lament, Moonflame, Withered Seeds, Space Junk, Rookie Mistake, Inferno and more.

Thanks to Bhri Stokes for the cover design.

Release date 6th March, this delightful volume is available for pre-order at the special low price of 99c USD

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As always, if you read and enjoy my stories, please consider leaving a review on Goodreads and/or Amazon – or recommend them to a friend.

Also, don’t forget  On the Horizon Book Bundle is also available for pre-order (which includes Akrad’s Children as well as stories for Charis Joy Jackson, Mirren Hogan, Stephanie Barr and over 18 other fantasy and sci-fi authors).

On Amazon:

Everywhere else:

Books in Print

Do you love the smell of a paper and ink book?


Print version of Heart of the Mountain and Blood Crystal have been available on Amazon since last year. I’m also working on having them available for wider distribution through Ingram Spark, as well as print version of Akrad’s Children and for  Ruhanna’s Flights and other stories.

Book Fairs and Conventions

I’ll be at two events in the next couple of months. If you live in or are visiting South-East Queensland, I’d love you to drop in and say hello.

Omega Writers Book Fair (March 10th)

Meet over twenty authors including Gary Clark (creator of Swamp), Kathy Hoopmann (All Cats have Asperger Syndrome), and Young Adult speculative fiction authors Lynne Stringer (Verindon trilogy), Adele Jones (Blaine Colton Trilogy), Jenny Woolsey (Ride High Pineapple) and myself.  Find out more at the FB event page or Omega Writers website.

Supernova Gold Coast (April 27-29th)

Once again I’ll be sharing a table with Lynne Stringer, Adele Jones, this time at Supernova on the Gold Coast. This will be a fabulous event – with a great line up of stars, including Peter Calpadi, Pearl Macki and John Barrowman from Doctor Who. Wow!  Find out more about the convention here or Adele, Lynne and myself here.

Next post I hope to have an interview from an emerging Australian science-fiction writer.


Launches, Retreats, Book Fairs and More

When I finished the Masters in (August) last year, I imagined I’d be a little less busy –  hmmmm

It’s been busier.

Heart of the Mountain

At the end of July, I was excited to release Release of Heart of the Mountain: a short novella as a e-book (available at Amazon but also Kobo, Barnes and Noble etc).

HeartMountainCoverRevealx250 *******

Heart of the Mountain: a short novella

YA Fantasy Adventure in the lost realm deep under the mountain.

Twins Delvina and Retza’s greatest desire is to be accepted as prentices by their parents’ old crew when they stumble across a stranger. Trapped under the mountain, young Zadeki’s only thought is to escape home to his kin. Peril awaits all three youngsters. Will they pull apart or work together to save the underground realm?


The launch was a lot of fun with over 20 people actively involved in the competitions and many receiving prizes. Reviews of Heart of the Mountain have been favourable – on the Vince Review, on Goodreads. and on Adam Collings (youtube).

I’m currently working on the sequel in the Under the Mountain series – Blood Crystal – so watch this space.

Retreats, Courses and Intensives

The year has been busy with retreats, courses, intensives and crit groups.

Nola Passmore and I joined up in the QWC’s Year of the Edit with Dr Kim Wilkins in August last year. This online course finished up in July and was full of practical tips, practice and critiquing with a bunch of other great writers. We had fun looking at different aspects of our novels (Rasel’s Song for me).

Omega Writers TmeOmegaRetreat16ax400oowoomba Retreat in May was a great time to catch up with old friends, make some new ones, learn some more craft and get some editing done.



I’ve enjoyed being part of the Intricate Worlds (science fiction and fantasy) critique group (which meets monthly), the Omega Science Fiction and Fantasy group (on Skype monthly) and the Between the Lines Book Club (again meets monthly)

By far the biggest highlight has been a 5 day immersion class with Margie Lawson. This was intensive course, mostly 12 hours days as Margie shared powerful deep editing insights and gave valuable one-on-one time.

Fantastic, empowering, inspirational.

I am excited about putting all I’ve learned into practice with my novels and stories.


Omega Writers Book Fair

Raelene Purtill and I are organising Omega Writers Book Fair of local authors – just 2 days away now on Saturday, 3rd September.

The last few weeks have been busy, busy, busy, but I’m thrilled with how things are shaping up – 16 stalls, 2 workshops with a range of books from children’s to adult, fiction and non-fiction including YA spec fic authors Lynne Stringer, Adele Jones. Raelene Purtill and Lisbeth Klein.

Both Lynne Stringer and Adele Jones have new books ready to be released.  Lynne has written a contemporary novel Once Confronted and Adele has her final book in her YA medical-science trilogy – Activate.

*** Registrations for the two workshops

– The Power of Story by Paul Clark and The Writing Life by Raelene Purtill

are still open. ***


Coming Up

My flash fiction ‘Space Junk’ is soon to be published in Mixed Blessings Genre-lly Speaking (Breath of Fresh Air Press)

Glimpses of Light will be in the Books in Our Backyard (BOBY) catalogue – launching 9 September, 2016 at the Queensland State Library

Omega Writers Conference is coming up fast – this year in Sydney at the end of October.

I’m writing Heart of the Mountain sequels and editing Akrad’s Children and Rasel’s Song

Special Offer Extended

As part of The Heart of the Mountain launch – I offered an epub or mobi of ‘The Herbalist’s Daughter’ (originally published in Tied in Pink Romance Anthology) for anyone who signed up to Jeanette O’Hagan Writes newsletter – I’m extending the offer to the end of September 2016.

Why not sign up now – either on the side bar or by following this link.

It’s been a full and busy year and looking forward to new releases in the near future.   I’ll keep you posted.

Jeanette O’Hagan