February Round-up

What a month February has been –  a month of extremes of weather for one thing. I’m glad to escaped the worst of it here in steaming hot Brisbane, but feel for everyone who has suffered loss from bushfires or wildfires, the Sahara-dessert levels of heat south of the border or Antarctic cold of the polar vortex across the Pacific, from earthquakes, storms, drought and other disasters.

It’s been something of a deluge on the publishing scene for me in much more pleasant ways – frantic, crazy and fantastic -with four new books due for release in February-March, several events both online and in person, and two promotions.

New Releases

Shadow Crystals

Shadow Crystals – Book 4 in the Under the Mountain series

She will do anything to save her people.

Delvina, Zadeki and the delegation lead by Danel must seek answers from the haughty Vaane, but they find the Lonely Isles in turmoil. Will Delvina find the way to open the Gate in time to prevent her people from starving? Will she be reunited with her twin, Retza? And why are the Forest Folk so secretive? As tensions increase, Delvina must discern friend from foe and defeat the shadows in her own heart.

Join Delvina and her friends on their quest to save the Glittering Realm under the mountain.

Set in the world of Nardva, Shadow Crystals is the fourth and penultimate novella in the Under the Mountain series.

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Launchs and Events: February 2017

Did you come to the Lakwi’s Lament Launch? We had a fabulous time.

And the year has already been busy with writing, other events, publication plans.

Happening Now – Our Books Are Not Free Facebook Event


Not sure what to read next? Looking for a range of great books? Over 100 authors are participating in the Our Books Are Not Free event over 5 days – why not join the event & check out the authors and books https://www.facebook.com/events/206705409792190/

My slot is 2pm Tuesday, 14 February 2017  Queensland time (which is 3pm in EST Australia & 11:00pm 13 February 2017 EST USA). It would be fantastic to see you there.


Lakwi’s Lament Launch


A big thank you to all my fabulous guest authors – Paula Vince, Lynne Stringer, Adam Collings, Mirren Hogan, Kasper Beaumont, Adele Jones, Nola Passmore -and all wonderful participants – whether you dropped in for a few minutes or stayed until the last one left – for your inspiring and heart-felt answers and enthusiasm and refreshing party supplies. I couldn’t have done it without you. There were lots of fabulous questions and competitions with prizes won.

Can I remind you – if you haven’t got a copy of Lakwi’s Lament – it’s available at Amazon or Draft2Digital – ie Kobo, Apple, Nook etc.

Just 99 cents US. I’d love you to read it & review it 🙂

Check out my Amazon Central page for my other stories –
Heart of the Mountain: a short novella
The Herbalist’s Daughter
and the stories Broken Promises in Another Time Another Place
and Ruhanna’s Flight in Glimpses of Light

Both Anna and Lakwi appear in Fever & the associated stories posted on my Jeanette O’Hagan Writes website.



It’s a truism that authors love reviews.

Thanks to my lovely readers who have posted reviews of Lakwi’s Lament, Heart of the Mountain and The Herbalist’s Daughter on Amazon, Goodreads, blogs  or Youtube. Here’s a small selection 🙂

 Heart of the Mountain:

‘Captivating characters and a plot that draws you in from the start. This well crafted work is recommended reading.’ Adele Jones, GoodReads

‘Jeanette O’Hagan creates a world rich in lore and mystery. It kicks off with a good action hook and there is an undercurrent of dire consequences for failure. There is plenty of action, well interspersed with snippets of background reveal and lovely imagery,’ Ladyhawk, Amazon

The Herbalist’s Daughter:

‘An enchanting story with engaging characters. Looking forward to reading more of this world.’ Shelley Nolan, GoodReads

Lakwi’s Lament:

‘Lakwi isn’t the typical princess. I liked her spunk and how she thinks on her feet so to speak. My one complaint is the story wasn’t long enough. I wanted to know what happens next and would gladly read more in the series.’ Jenny Blake, Amazon

I always enjoy Jeanette O’Hagan’s stories and this one is no exception. She writes engaging fantasy stories. … It is suitable for older readers too and is a very quick read but with a rich storytelling world. Rebekah Rodda, GoodReads

Lakwi’s Lament also featured on Adam Colling’s Bulletin


Month of Poetry

I had a fabulous time with Month of Poetry. This Year I decided to experiment with different poetry forms-form A to Z (Acrostics to ZamiLA rhymes). It was stretching at times, but a lot of fun. Here was my List Poem 🙂

A Novel Cake

Take a modicum of talent
a cup full of dreams
and hard work in equal measure,
mix together vigorously.
Stir in two aspirations well beaten
and half a cup of constructive feedback
until reaching a smooth and creamy consistency.
Add chopped metaphors (never mixed) to taste.
and a pinch of optimism.
Bake well in the scorching oven of opinion.
When cool, sprinkle with crystallised hopes.
Allow to settle to release the flavours
and garnish with a swirl of revision.
Serve with a generous side of promotion.
Warning this cake may cause tears but has been known to be addictive.

 Jeanette O’Hagan 15 January 2017


I’ve submitted a number of the poems to competitions and anthologies. To read more about Month of Poetry check out Jenny’s Thread


Coming this year:

‘Stasia’s Stand’ is due to be published in the Crossroad anthology later this year.

I’m submitting some short stories to a couple of anthologies and will be involved as editor in Like A Woman anthology – a spec-fic charity anthology in support of victims of Domestic Violence.

The sequel of Heart of the Mountain – Blood Crystal should be out in a couple of months & Akrad’s Children (the first book in the Akrad Legacy series) later this year.

To keep up with cover reveals, publication dates, launches and more–subscribe to my email Newsletter here. http://eepurl.com/bbLJKT

Thanks again. And hope to see you at the Our Books Are Not Free Event
