Another story, another anthology, book events, reviews and a free offer – this month’s update 🙂
Space Junk
Thrilled to receive my copies of Mixed Blessing Genre-lly Speaking anthology. This anthology with 65 authors and has flash fiction pieces in a range of genres: Romance, Mystery, Humour, Historical, Inspirational, Science-Fiction, Poetry, Adventure, Children, Young Adult.
My Sci-Fi piece ‘Space Junk’ is part of the anthology – and it’s wonderful to see pieces from fellow Aussie authors – Christina Aitken, Anusha Atukorala, Deb Porter, Nola Passmore and Simon Kennedy.
Omega Writers Book Fair
The Omega Writers Book Fair was a great day – I enjoyed reading the poem ‘A Long Time Ago’ from Like a Girl Plan anthology and an exciting excerpt from ‘Ruhanna’s Flight’ in Glimpses of Light. For more on the Book Fair check out this post or the event page.
Books in Our Backyard 2015 (BOBY)
Three contributors to Glimpses of Light – Lynne Stringer, Charis Joy Jackson and myself attended the launch of the Books in Our Backyard 2015 catalogue in which Glimpses of Light is listed. It was an enjoyable night – especially running into to Avril Sabine (prolific fantasy author) and fellow Margie Lawson Immersion grads Raelene Purtill (fantasy) and Tania Joyce (Romantica).
While I do spend most of my social media time on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads – I’ve been having some fun with Instagram. If you frequent any of these, l’d love to connect with you there.
Heart of t
he Mountain
It’s been great to see some good reviews of Heart of the Mountain.
It was featured by Adam Collings on You-tube (about the middle), as well as on the Vince Review and a number of Goodreads reviews. I also had a chance to talk about writing Heart of the Mountain on the Write Flourish.
I’m revising the sequel Blood Crystal, hoping to release it before the end of the year.
The Herbalist’s Daughter
The Herbalist’s Daughter was originally released in the Tied in Pink Romance anthology (Far Horizons, 2014).
I’m currently offering a FREE COPY The Herbalist’s Daughter to anyone who signs up to the Jeanette O’Hagan writes Newsletter by the end of this month (30 September 2016).
It’s been a busy few months. Thank you for your interest and support. Wishing you many hours of happy reading.
Jeanette O’Hagan September 2016