Visions of Future: Futurevision blog tour


Early last month Futurevision was launched – 20 Australian authors’ visions of the future.  Our stories that range from the near future to the far reaches of time; some dark, some bright, some with a future still to be decided. At Oz Comic Con (Brisbane) a couple of weekends ago, Futurevision was a hot item. I’m not surpised, it’s a great and engrossing read (you can read my review here) and it’s a great way to sample a range of Aussie authors. It also has an unbeatable price.

20 stories of the future, most from the perspective of the people of earth (or their victims).

Rendezvous at Alexgaia is set in a different universe – in the future of Nardva and under the light of two moons, millennium after the events related in the Under the Mountain series and the Akrad’s legacy series or Barrakian tales, Broken Promises, Full Moon Rises).

As Nardva’s space age flourishes, new threats and new villains emerge, especially the all-powerful Consortium:


The acolyte looked over his shoulder. ‘Our order doesn’t like rebels. Besides, there are rumours that the Abbess is negotiating with the Consortium, certain concessions for protection and special privileges.’

Dana snorted. ‘Might as well negotiate with a black hole.’

The info-monk shrugged his rounded shoulders. ‘Takes aeons for a star-eater to consume a galaxy. In the meantime, there are perks for those in the know.’

(From Rendezvous at Alexgaia, Futurevision, 1231 Publishing, 2017).

It is the consortium that Dana and her fellow operatives have to defeat, or at least curtail.

Initially, when I looked at the Futurevision brief, I dismissed it. I write other-world fantasy, not science fiction. But then I remembered a flash fiction that came out of a writing exercise last year, Space Junk (published in in Mixed Blessings: Genre-lly Speaking, Breath of Fresh Air Press, 2016), and the ideas took shape.

It was fun writing about plasma pistols, transporters (transmits). spaceships and cyborgs. Dana’s adventures continue in Rendezvous at Alexgaia as she attempts, once again, to out-smart the Consortium.

And, I thought, that would probably be the end of it.

Except it wasn’t.  A sequel, taking Jerren’s story, emerged into a longish short story Project Chameleon soon to be released Quantum Soul (currently available for pre-order). The question, what would it be like to be captured by the Consortium grabbed my imagination, and before I knew it I’d written the rough first draft of a trilogy – The Chameleon Protocols (tentative release, late 2018/early 2019).

If you want to read how the adventure begins – grab a copy of Futurevision. And also enjoy 19 other author’s gripping visions of the future.

Paperback copies of Futurevision can be purchased from Amazon or 1231 Publishing for just $10 AUD (plus postage). Electronic copies will be available soon. Or you can purchase them from the individual authors (like Nola, Raelene or me).

If you’d like to find out more about the stories, scroll down the Futurevision page at 1231 Publishing and click on the arrows to read extracts from all contributions.

Last week, writer, poet and editor, Nola Passmore started the blog tour, speaking about how she came to write 100 Words.

Next week, fantasy author Raelene Purtill, the author of Ground Zero, will continue the Futurevision blog tour. You can check out her website here.




Akrad’s Children

It’s been a long time coming, but finally it’s here!

Cover reveal

Akrad’s Children

Four young lives bound together in friendship, love, rivalry and tragedy. A realm ravaged by civil war, a ruler scarred by betrayal, a legacy that haunts them all.

Caught between two cultures, a pawn in a deadly power struggle, Dinnis longs for the day his father will rescue him and his sister from the sorcerer Akrad’s clutches. But things don’t turn out how Dinnis imagines and his father betrays him.

Does Dinnis have a future among the Tamrin? Will he seek revenge for wrongs like his sister or forge a different destiny?

This is the first book in the Akrad’s Legacy series.

Akrad’s Children is available for pre-order 22nd September

Upcoming Events:

Futurevision launch

Fictional visions form the near to distant future
– who will we be and what challenges will we face?
Futurevision is an anthology with 20 stories by 20 Australian authors — including stories by Delia Strange, Matt Hellscream, Julian Green, Kasper Beaumount, Nola Passmore, Nyssa Baschal, Raelene Purtill and Jeanette O’Hagan.

Rendezvous at Alexgaia By Jeanette O’Hagan

In her last mission, Dana secured the Infinity Cube at the cost her partner’s life or at least humanity. Will Neon’s sacrifice be for nothing or will Dana be able to retrieve the key to the mysterious cube’s use?
Rendezvous at Alexgaia is set in the future of Nardva and is the prequel to the Chameleon Protocols trilogy.


The Futurevision launch is this Saturday (9th September) at Northlakes Library.  Spots have filled up – though, if you haven’t already booked,  you could put your name on the wait-list here.  It will be a great afternoon.

Oz Comic Con – Brisbane

YA spec fic authors Lynne Stringer (Verindon trilogy), Adele Jones (Baine Colton trilogy) and I have a stand tat this years Oz Comic Con 23rd-24th September. Love to see you there. To find out more check out Intricate Worlds here.

Fabulous Space Opera

Adam David Collings has released the first episode in his Jewell of the Stars series – Earth’s RemnantEarth’s Remnant is gripping novella that sets up series – a cruise ship in space fleeing from a sudden and devastating tragedy on Earth. I loved the characters, the action and the sci-fi elements in Jewell of the Stars: Earth’s Remnant. You can read my Goodreads review here.

It’s been a busy month or so getting ready for the release of Akrad’s Children and preparing for Oz Comic Con. More news soon.


Scavenger Hunter Winners

Thanks for all who left comments on the blog tour and those that entered the Blood Crystal Scavenger Hunt.

The correct answers are:

  1. Glow worms are insect larvae and can only be found in Australia and New Zealand
  2. Copper was mined in the Adelaide Hills town of Callington.
  3. The agents need sugar more than Sarah
  4. Trajan’s greatest fear is being underground (though claustrophobia or fear of being trapped would be acceptable).
  5. The catacombs are the underground location Nola toured on her trip to Rome.
  6. Delvina and Retza go on a perilous journey in Blood Crystal.
  7. Mt Morgan mine is associated with pollution on the Dee River.
  8. Stalactites are the limestone formations that hang from the roof.
  9. The twins final meal as their food ran out on the journey was dried mushrooms and smoked cave fish (with melt water) as mentioned in the excerpt provided.

Time to announce the winners of the Scavenger Hunt

– drum roll –

First prize – $50 Amazon voucher – to the first person with all the correct answers –

Sally Poyzer

Thanks Sally – your answers were spot on.

Second prize – copy of Heart of the Mountain and Blood Crystal


Great effort Linsey. Loved your detailed answers  – and it’s clear you’ve read Blood Crystal – unfortunately though I loved your  ‘ground-bat’, this was what the twins ate sometime after their food ran out. All your other answers were correct.

I’ll be in contact with you both in the next few days.


Reduced Price – for a limited time Blood Crystal is at the reduced price of $99 US. A great time to purchase it. Check it out here.

Thanks again for the great support through the launch and blog tour of Blood Crystal. I’m loving the reviews.  I’m hoping to have both Heart of the Mountain and Blood Crystal available in print by early September.



Blood Crystal Scavenger Hunt

Over the last three weeks, Blood Crystal has been touring a round of fabulous blogs. Today, we arrive at the final stop.

Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.

Isn’t it strange how, when we are waiting, time seems to stop moving. It’s almost as though we are caught in amber, caught between the moments, as though time itself has been freezed-framed and whatever we are waiting for will never arrive (or is that just me?).  The temptation is to give up.

And then, in a pivotal instant, there is the knock of the door, the arrival of a friend, the opportunity we’d hoped for.

Patience is rewarded.

As a writer, we want it all to happen from finishing writing the book, to publishing it, to gaining thousands of readers – but at each step of the journey we find ourselves waiting and in need of patience and persistence.

As a reader, with a great book we enjoy the journey – both inpatient to get to the end and, at the same time, never wanting it to end. Then we can’t wait for the sequel 🙂

At one point in the Blood Crystal, the twins Delvina and Retza head off on a treacherous journey to find help from Zadeki and his kin. They face a number of different challenges due the extreme terrain and their own unfamiliarity with the ‘outside’. At one point they run out of food and it seems they will never reach their goal.

Delvina placed the last of their dried mushroom and slithers of smoked cave fish into Retza’s mug and poured some of the steaming melt water over it. Saliva flooded her mouth at the tantalising smell. She offered the mug to her twin, giving him her own share in mute apology. If there was a source of food in the barren wilderness, neither she nor Retza had been able to find it. He gulped down the broth and then thrust the cup into her hands, half full.

She shook her head. ‘It’s yours.’

‘We both need to be strong.’

Once she swallowed the delicious mouthful, she stood and gathered her gear. Retza groaned and did the same. Ducking her head, she stepped out into the soft grey light that seemed to linger as the sun dipped down behind the jagged skyline. Retza stumped in front of her and took the lead and the full force of the buffeting wind for this shift. She clutched the copy of the instructions the old Scrybe had written out for her. A soft sorrow welled up and brought tears to her eyes. It was hopeless, beyond crazy. Perhaps they should go back.

Is their patience and persistence rewarded? You’ll have to read Blood Crystal to find out.

Last question for the Scavenger Hunt. What is Delvina and Retza’s final meal as their food runs out during their journey?

Scavenger Hunt

Blood Crystal Scavenger Hunt will run throughout the Blood Crystal Blog Tour. Each blog will have a reflection or memory related to themes within Blood Crystal and a related question. The first person to answer all NINE questions  right will win a $50 Amazon voucher. The runner up will receive copies of both Heart of the Mountain and the sequel Blood Crystal.

Please give your answers in the comments below.

Here are the Questions with links to the different blogs to find the clues.

Blog 1 Jeanette O’Hagan Writes: Where do Glow Worms live and what kind of animal are they?

Blog 2 The Vince Review: What mineral used to be mined in the Adelaide Hills town of Callington?

Blog 3 Lynne Stringer: What do the agents need more than Sarah?

Blog 4 Cindy Tomamichel: What is Trajan’s secret fear?

Blog 5 The Write Flourish: What is the name of that underground location which Nola toured?

Blog 6 David Rawlings Author: Who has to go on a perilous journey in Blood Crystal?

Blog 7 Adele Jones Author: What is the name of the mine associated with the pollution of Dee River

Blog 8 Adam Collings:  The formations that hang down from the ceiling of a cave, are they stalactites, or stalagmites?

Blog 9 Jeanette O’Hagan Writes (here): What is Delvina and Retza’s final meal as their food runs out during their journey?

I’m looking forward to seeing your answers.

Comment Winners

Announcing the winners who commented on the different stops on the way. Thank you for everyone who took time to stop by, read and leave a comment. I loved reading through the different comments and found it hard to choose.

One person deserves a grand-prize as she give thoughtful and interesting answers on every single blog. Way to go Nola Passmore.

So without more ado, I’ll detail the winners of a copy of Heart of the Mountain. (If you’ve already have a copy, you can nominate a friend to receive a copy or nominate one of my other e-books instead – The Herbalist’s Daughter, Lakwi’s Lament or Blood Crystal).


Overall winner – Nola Passmore for the most comments – always interesting and entertaining 🙂

Blog stop 1  – this was so hard to choose, but I loved Susan Preston’s answer.

Blog stop 2  – Adam Collings

Blog stop 3  – Badger

Blog stop 4 – Paula Vince

Blog stop 5 – Sally Poyzer

Blog stop 6 – Adele Jones

Blog stop 7 – Linsey Painter (also receives her choice of a book in the Blaine Colton trilogy from Adele Jones)

Blog stop 8 – some great answers & hard to choose, but as others have already received a prize, Christine Dillon (also receives a copy of Lynessa’s Curse by Adam Collings).

Honourable mentions to Lynne Stringer and Cindy Tomamichel  🙂

And a big thanks to my wonderful blog hosts – Paula Vince, Lynne Stringer, Cindy Tomamichel, Nola Passmore, David Rawlings, Adele Jones and  Adam Collings. Please, check out their blogs for some great content 🙂

Until Next Week

I’ll announce the Scavenger Hunt winners next Friday – so you still time to enter, but remember the first two to get the all the correct answers wins.



Blood Crystal Blog Tour

Unlikely Heroes

Superheroes are all the rage on the big screen. Super-heroes have super powers, snazzy suits, impressive physiques and side-kicks. They laugh in the face of danger, amaze us all with their stunts and tricks, and despite the super-villains they are pitted against, they always save the world – or the cosmos.

Do you remember Susan Boyle when she first walked on the stage. No one took her seriously, no one thought she could sing – until she opened her mouth and the world gaped. Often we are so fixated on image that we miss the substance. In real life – heroes come in all shapes and sizes. They don’t necessarily have perfect figures, flawless hairdos and the latest fashion sense or the coolest technology.

The twins, Delvina and Retza, may not look like your typical heroes – but I think they are. In Blood Crystal, they undertake an epic journey across a hostile landscape to save their realm. They dare to attempt what others are too afraid to, they have the grit to keep going and faith that they will find answers. They care what happens to each other and the people they know.

Can you think of some unlikely heroes? What do you admire about them? What can you learn from them?

YA Fantasy Adventure in the lost realm Under the Mountain – Book 2

The underground realm is under attack from mad Overseer Uzza and the Crystal Heart is failing. As things become desperate, Twins Delvina and Retza must brave a treacherous journey to seek help from Zadeki and his people.

Will they find the answers they seek before it’s too late? Is the blood of Uzza’s children the only way to restore the Crystal Heart? What are the twins prepared to do to save their realm and those they love from certain destruction?

Blood Crystal is the second novella in the Under the Mountain series. Like most of my fiction, it is set in the world of Nardva. Available from Amazon, or Kobo, Nook and other retailers.

Blog Tour

A few days ago, we launched Blood Crystal – sequel to Heart of the Mountain.  Over the next couple of weeks – Blood Crystal will be featured on a different blogs as part of the Blood Crystal blog tour.

There will be –

Reviews of Blood Crystal

Interviews of both me and maybe even a character


Competitions &  Scavenger Hunt.

Opportunities to win:

Throughout the blog tour there will be many opportunities to win prizes.

Comment below

Comment below on this post (and on any of the posts in the Blood Crystal Blog Tour) – the best comment (imo) will win a copy of Heart of the Mountain: a short novella.

Heart of the Mountain on Amazon

Scavenger Hunt

Blood Crystal Scavenger Hunt will run throughout the  Blood Crystal Blog Tour.  Each blog will have a reflection or memory related to themes within Blood Crystal – and a related question. The first person to answer all NINE questions  right will win a $50 Amazon voucher. The runner up will receive copies of both Heart of the Mountain and the sequel Blood Crystal.

Follow each post on the blog tour to find the questions & list your answers in the comments on the final blog post of the tour on 28 July. There will also opportunities to win prizes at each blogspot.

Glow Worm Caves

In my twenties I stayed at Lune River Youth Hostel south-west of Hobart. Apart from a pet possum that would scamper up guests’ legs to reach their heads, the Youth Hostel was close to some famous glow worm caves (in the Hastings caves area).

Getting to the caves involved driving into the bush on dusk, stopping at the side of the road as the sun set behind the horizon and them hiking in 20 minutes to an abandoned site, using old railway lines as a guide for part of the way. As the light faded, we secured our miners lamps and jumped down to a creek (or small stream) and followed it as it disappeared under the hill into the spacious caverns. We walked some distance in, staying in the main cave, and switched off our lights. Slowly above us the cave roof filled with bright stars in swirls and clusters denser than the milky way in the middle of the outback – glowing lights produced by a colony of insect larvae. Did you know that glow worms only found in Australia and New Zealand?

After we had enjoyed the wonder and beauty of their magical lights, we clambered out from under the mountain, up from the creek bed and walked back through the bush to the road in the dark. Glow worms are small, seemingly insignificant – yet produce inspiring beauty as they shine in the dark – perhaps unlikely heroes.

It was an amazing experience, one which I drew, on along with a visit to the deep underground mines in Mt Isa, when writing Heart of the Mountain and Blood Crystal.

Question for the Scavenger Hunt:

Where do Glow Worms live – and what kind of animal are they?

Next Stop

The next stop on the blog tour – is Paula Vince. She will be giving her review of Blood Crystal  If you haven’t discovered it yet. Paul gives thoughtful, entertaining and intriguing reviews – including a fresh look at our favourite books through lists – in the Vince Review. Check it out here.

Blog Tour Schedule



Super Series Spotlight in June

Narnia, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, The Inheritance Cycle, The Lunar Chronicles, Game of Thrones ….

Who loves a series?

Well, I know I do.

There is something immersive in a series. It allows the reader to stay in the world longer, savour it’s unique flavour, to get to know its cast of characters, to feel like you belong.

This June a number of authors have banded together to offer an introduction to exciting speculative fiction series. D L Richardson’s Welcome to the Apocalypse, Mirren Hogan’s The Magic of Isskasala series and other great spec fic titles.

Stories from Nardva

I’m thrilled to have some of my works included:

The Herbalist’s Daughter, story 1 in Tamrin Tales.  A YA fantasy romance story set in the Golden Palace of Tarka some  years before the start of the Akrad’s Legacy series. Anna has her heart set on the young guard at the Palace but he seems not to notice her until her young charge stirs up trouble. Download from here .

Heart of the Mountain: a short novella  – book one in the Under the Mountain series. Twins Delvina and Retza’s greatest desire is to be accepted as Prentices by their parents’ old crew when they stumble across a stranger, Zadeki. Soon the glimmer lights begin to fail. Will the three youngwuns work together to save the underground realm? Download from Amazon here or here.

And now presenting – the sequel to Heart of the Mountain, Blood Crystal is due to be released at the end of this month.

YA Fantasy Adventure in the lost realm Under the Mountain – Book 2

The underground realm is under attack from mad Overseer Uzza and the Crystal Heart is failing. As things become desperate, Twins Delvina and Retza must brave a treacherous journey to seek help from Zadeki and his people.

Will they find the answers they seek before it’s too late? Is the blood of Uzza’s children the only way to restore the Crystal Heart? What are the twins prepared to do to save their realm and those they love from certain destruction?

Blood Crystal is the second novella in the Under the Mountain series. Like most of my fiction, it is set in the world of Nardva. Available from Amazon, Kobo, Nook and other retailers from 30th June 2017.

E-launch on Saturday 8th July 2017, 9:30-11:30am AEST (or Friday 7th July, 4:30pm-6:30pm PDT)

Cover Reveal

I’m also thrilled to announce the cover reveal of Like a Woman anthology – a speculative fiction anthology with profits donated to survivors of domestic abuse.

Like a Woman follows on from Like a Girl anthology which supported girl’s education. Both have covers by the talented Drusilla Morgan. The anthology is still open for submissions and should be published later this year or early 2018.

Super Series Spotlight

Please check other books featured in the Super Series Spotlight for some great reading 🙂



Retreats, Anthologies and Covers

Is anyone else wondering where May went? It’s been an exciting month, though also with it’s tragedies as our thoughts go out to the people of Manchester.

Retreat, Refresh, Return

Writing While Soaking up the View

On the first weekend in May, I headed up to Toowoomba for the Omega Writers Retreat. Beautiful weather and surroundings, great speakers, delicious food, great company. Some of the highlights:

  • Deb Porter’s presentations on publishing and good style
  • Delicious Gluten Free food and plenty of it.
  • Time to write, to soak up the beauty, to chat
  • A time of reflection and worship and prayer for each other
  • Chatting with emerging writer, filmmaker, actor – Charis Joy Jackson on the way up
  • Seeing new publications and talking to other writers
  • Attending Ruth Bonetti’s second launch of From Midnight Sun to Southern Cross

I’m looking forward to next year.

Charis and Jeanette


Some of my stories will be published in different anthologies this year.

  • Stasia’s Stand (YA fantasy) in Crossroad Anthology (Birdcatcher Books) – 1st July 2017
  • Rendezvous at Alexgaia (Sci-Fi Space Opera) in Futurevision (1231 Publishing) – 1 pm, 9th September 2017 (Northlakes Library, Northlakes, Qld, Australia)

Exciting development (for me at least 🙂 ) – I have another 10,000 word Sci-Fi story accepted for another anthology. So watch this space!


  • I had fun participating in the Page Turners Book Launch – with the launch of Cindy Tomamichel’s Druid’s Portal
  • Next week the SF/Fantasy Faire is on again next week – don’t miss out on a great line-up of Science-Fiction and Fantasy authors
  • Wombat Books is celebrating 8 years of Publishing – 2-5 pm 17 June, Redlands College, Anson Road, Wellington Point
  • Launch of Blood Crystal – end of June
  • Launch of Crossroads Anthology – 1st July
  • Launch of Futurevision Anthology – 9th September
  • Oz Comic Con, Brisbane – 23-24 September

Reduced price – short time only

Until the end of the week, Heart of the Mountain is on sale at 99c USD.

Fantasy adventure under the mountain – as the twins Retza and Delvina join with the abovegrounder, Zadeki, to save the underground realm from disaster.

If you haven’t read it yet, why not grab a copy from the following outlets:

Amazon US

Amazon Oz

Other outlets (Nook, Kobo etc)

Final Edits and New Stories

So, what else have I’ve been working on?

  • Edits for Blood Crystal (Book 2 Under the Mountain) and Akrad’s Children (Book 1 Akrad’s Legacy).
  • New short stories – both a couple of sci-fi shorts and some fantasy pieces.
  • A cyborg trilogy – finished a rough first draft of book 1 & halfway first draft on book 2
  • Filling out the plot for Stone of the Sea (Working Title) of Book 3 in the Under the Mountain novella series
  • Covers for Blood Crystal and Akrad’s Children

Cover Reveal

This Friday, I’ll be releasing the book cover of Blood Crystal … watch this space.

Looking forward to an exciting year.  Wishing you the best in your reading (and writing) adventures.


Update and Events April 2017

Hard to believe that it is April already. So what’s been happening?  I’ve been writing, editing, blogging and critiquing.

Futurevision anthology:

I’m thrilled that my short story Rendezvous at Alexgaia (a follow-on from Space Junk) was accepted by 1231 Publishing for the Futurevision anthology. The anthology will be released in September with a physical launch on 9th September at the North Lakes Library, North Lakes (Brisbane), Qld.

Other stories include:

‘100 Words’ by Nola Passmore, Ground Zero by Raelene Purtill, ‘Bad Hair Day’ by Julian Green, ‘Dragons in Area 51′ by Kasper Beaumont,’Sanctuary’ by Nyssa Baschel and many others.

It’s going to be a fantastic anthology – you can read excerpts of each story here.

March Events:

I’ve participated in a number of online events and launches in March:

Our Books Are Not Free week long event.

Mirren Hogan’s online launch of her historical novel The Night Witches (check it out Night Witches blog tour on Jenny’s Thread).

The Science-Fiction and Fantasy authors and artist Faire – run by Author Gibson and friends.

Spring into the Elemental Series by Alex Carey

If you missed out on the fun of these events – two more opportunities are imminent – an opportunity  discover new speculative fiction authors and books, enter competitions, win books and prizes and to support emerging indie and small press authors.

Don’t Miss Out

In 7 hours – Mirren Hogan and Erin Yoshikawa’s release party of Nightmare Rises. I have a slot at 11:30 AEST.

And on April 12 (or April 13 in Oz) the Fantasy and Science Fiction Network are holding an online Drop Everything and Read Day – I have a slot on 8:30 am Wednesday AEST.


As usual, I’ve participated in a number of guest blogs including talking about Secondary World and Portal Fantasy – and have also featured on a number of blogs – Promote Me and Tuesday Spotlight.

Like a Woman anthology

There’s an opportunity to submit to the Like a Woman anthology, a follow-on from Like a Girl anthology (original home for Lakwi’s Lament). This is also a speculative fiction charity anthology, with profits being donated to a group that supports victims and survivors of domestic violence.

Hard at Work:

Otherwise, I’ve been hard at work (well actually, having a great deal of fun), writing and editing.

I’ve done a full edit of Akrad’s Children

I’ve been hard at work on Blood Crystal, the sequel to Heart of the Mountain.  I’ve completed a second draft & will go through it at least once more before sending it out to beta-readers. I’ve also started working on the cover.

Blood Crystal excerpt:

Boom, boom. Something heavy smashed against the outer cavern doors. Delvina braced herself, the stone floor vibrating beneath her boots. This assault was longer and more ferocious than the last. She gripped the rim of the basket she was hauling and shuffled closer to her brother, Retza, reassured by his solid presence and the faint smell of rock dust and mushroom soup on his rough clothes.

Retza pushed his lips into a stiff smile. “It’s going to be okay.”

‘Yes, maybe this time.’ Delvina swallowed against the sudden tightness in her throat. How long could they withstand the former Overseer Uzza’s attacks. How long before food and supplies dwindled. Old Barekia had repaired the Crystal Heart, but now it was producing only half the power. How long before it failed? Again. Cold fear fingered her heart and squeezed the breath from her lungs.

I’ve also written a couple of flash fictions – ‘Eating Time’ and ‘Rookie Mistake’ – and a short story ‘Moonflame.’ I have several other short story ideas on the boil and am hopeful that one or more will appear in upcoming anthologies. Watch this space 🙂

Otherwise family have kept me busy with various challenges and successes. My daughter, Kathleen O’Hagan is a budding young artist, winning several prizes over the last 2-3 years, including recently 3rd Prize in the Mosman Youth Art Prize (seniors 15-17). You can see more of her work on her KathleenOHaganArt website.

I hope you too have had a productive and successful few months & with many enjoyable reads along the way.

Jeanette O’Hagan


If you haven’t already, why not sign up for Jeanette O’Hagan Writes email newsletter

Or follow me on:

Facebook Page


Amazon Central



Jenny’s Thread




Launchs and Events: February 2017

Did you come to the Lakwi’s Lament Launch? We had a fabulous time.

And the year has already been busy with writing, other events, publication plans.

Happening Now – Our Books Are Not Free Facebook Event


Not sure what to read next? Looking for a range of great books? Over 100 authors are participating in the Our Books Are Not Free event over 5 days – why not join the event & check out the authors and books

My slot is 2pm Tuesday, 14 February 2017  Queensland time (which is 3pm in EST Australia & 11:00pm 13 February 2017 EST USA). It would be fantastic to see you there.


Lakwi’s Lament Launch


A big thank you to all my fabulous guest authors – Paula Vince, Lynne Stringer, Adam Collings, Mirren Hogan, Kasper Beaumont, Adele Jones, Nola Passmore -and all wonderful participants – whether you dropped in for a few minutes or stayed until the last one left – for your inspiring and heart-felt answers and enthusiasm and refreshing party supplies. I couldn’t have done it without you. There were lots of fabulous questions and competitions with prizes won.

Can I remind you – if you haven’t got a copy of Lakwi’s Lament – it’s available at Amazon or Draft2Digital – ie Kobo, Apple, Nook etc.

Just 99 cents US. I’d love you to read it & review it 🙂

Check out my Amazon Central page for my other stories –
Heart of the Mountain: a short novella
The Herbalist’s Daughter
and the stories Broken Promises in Another Time Another Place
and Ruhanna’s Flight in Glimpses of Light

Both Anna and Lakwi appear in Fever & the associated stories posted on my Jeanette O’Hagan Writes website.



It’s a truism that authors love reviews.

Thanks to my lovely readers who have posted reviews of Lakwi’s Lament, Heart of the Mountain and The Herbalist’s Daughter on Amazon, Goodreads, blogs  or Youtube. Here’s a small selection 🙂

 Heart of the Mountain:

‘Captivating characters and a plot that draws you in from the start. This well crafted work is recommended reading.’ Adele Jones, GoodReads

‘Jeanette O’Hagan creates a world rich in lore and mystery. It kicks off with a good action hook and there is an undercurrent of dire consequences for failure. There is plenty of action, well interspersed with snippets of background reveal and lovely imagery,’ Ladyhawk, Amazon

The Herbalist’s Daughter:

‘An enchanting story with engaging characters. Looking forward to reading more of this world.’ Shelley Nolan, GoodReads

Lakwi’s Lament:

‘Lakwi isn’t the typical princess. I liked her spunk and how she thinks on her feet so to speak. My one complaint is the story wasn’t long enough. I wanted to know what happens next and would gladly read more in the series.’ Jenny Blake, Amazon

I always enjoy Jeanette O’Hagan’s stories and this one is no exception. She writes engaging fantasy stories. … It is suitable for older readers too and is a very quick read but with a rich storytelling world. Rebekah Rodda, GoodReads

Lakwi’s Lament also featured on Adam Colling’s Bulletin


Month of Poetry

I had a fabulous time with Month of Poetry. This Year I decided to experiment with different poetry forms-form A to Z (Acrostics to ZamiLA rhymes). It was stretching at times, but a lot of fun. Here was my List Poem 🙂

A Novel Cake

Take a modicum of talent
a cup full of dreams
and hard work in equal measure,
mix together vigorously.
Stir in two aspirations well beaten
and half a cup of constructive feedback
until reaching a smooth and creamy consistency.
Add chopped metaphors (never mixed) to taste.
and a pinch of optimism.
Bake well in the scorching oven of opinion.
When cool, sprinkle with crystallised hopes.
Allow to settle to release the flavours
and garnish with a swirl of revision.
Serve with a generous side of promotion.
Warning this cake may cause tears but has been known to be addictive.

 Jeanette O’Hagan 15 January 2017


I’ve submitted a number of the poems to competitions and anthologies. To read more about Month of Poetry check out Jenny’s Thread


Coming this year:

‘Stasia’s Stand’ is due to be published in the Crossroad anthology later this year.

I’m submitting some short stories to a couple of anthologies and will be involved as editor in Like A Woman anthology – a spec-fic charity anthology in support of victims of Domestic Violence.

The sequel of Heart of the Mountain – Blood Crystal should be out in a couple of months & Akrad’s Children (the first book in the Akrad Legacy series) later this year.

To keep up with cover reveals, publication dates, launches and more–subscribe to my email Newsletter here.

Thanks again. And hope to see you at the Our Books Are Not Free Event
